Why is my gum swollen around one tooth

Why is my gum swollen around one tooth? How to recognize a swollen gum around a tooth? How do treat swollen gums around a tooth? And finally how to prevent swollen gums?

I. Why Is my Gum Swollen Around One Tooth,

1. Dental Abscess

A dental abscess is one of the first causes of swollen gums. It is a bacterial infection that causes an abscess that can be located on the gum directly below the infected tooth.

The abscess can also be caused by periodontitis. You can also develop an abscess from a wisdom tooth.

2. Infection from a Cavity

Cavities are the most common dental disease, and one of the most common conditions affecting people.

It is not uncommon for a cavity to cause gum swelling. This can happen if the cavity has not been treated.

Bacteria can cause your gums to swell around the infected tooth. it can get worse by becoming a receding gum.

3. Gingivitis

Gingivitis is an infection of the gums caused by plaque. When plaque is not properly removed, gingivitis is a concern.

The manifestations of gingivitis are red, shiny, and swollen gums. The gums are also painful.

4. Oral Hygiene

If you have poor oral hygiene, you are at risk for many infections.

It is not uncommon for bacteria to grow in a poorly maintained mouth. Swollen gums can then occur around a poorly cleaned tooth.

5. Swelling Due to Severe Pain

It is possible that before your gums swelled, you felt a lot of pain. In this case, you probably have pulpitis or toothache.

The nerve of a tooth is affected by bacteria, and this swelling of your gum is a symptom of the infection.

6. Swollen Gums in Pregnant Women

A pregnant woman may have swollen gums. This is due to increased levels of certain hormones, such as progesterone.

Progesterone causes increased blood flow, which can make the gums swollen and painful. They may even bleed.

7. Swelling Due to a Root Canal

A root canal is not free of health risks. Normally, during the root canal procedure, the canal under the tooth is cleaned and freed of toxins.

But sometimes this is not done properly. If you feel a lump under your root canal, there is still bacteria underneath the tooth.

8. Wisdom Tooth Swelling

A wisdom tooth can cause swollen gums. This can happen if the wisdom tooth has trouble growing between other teeth.

Then the tooth’s growth can be painful and cause gum swelling.

It is also possible to have an infected wisdom tooth, and gum swelling directly underneath it.

9. Irritating Dentures

Dentures are often a source of various annoyances.

It is possible that a denture, especially one that has just been placed, can irritate your mouth to the point of causing swelling of the gums.

It is also possible that a metal wire could come loose from your denture and injure your gums, causing swelling. In both cases, see your orthodontist.

10. Other Diseases

Different diseases can cause gum swelling. Of course, periodontitis, tooth decay, and gingivitis are the immediate causes of swollen gums.

But diabetes and leukemia can also cause gum swelling. Also, studies have linked hypertension and gum disease.

II. Symptoms of Swollen Gums Around One Tooth

There are a few signs that usually accompany swollen gums. Very often, in addition to being swollen, the gums are also markedly red.

You may also notice that you are bleeding from your teeth, especially while brushing.

Bad breath is also a frequent sign of swollen gums.

III. How to treat swollen gums around a tooth?

1. Natural Remedies

You can start with a saltwater mouthwash. Do this often. Another option is to suck on a clove.

Cloves are a natural antibacterial. It will help you get rid of the infection.

You can also turn to homeopathy by diluting 30 drops of Calendula mother tincture in half a glass of water. Use it as a mouthwash.

2. Medication

The medications to take for swollen gums depend on the cause of the swelling. You can take painkillers if your swelling is painful.

Consult your dentist. Only he or she can find the cause of the swelling and give you the right treatment.

3. Surgery

Sometimes gum inflammation, or periodontitis, may require surgery.

Surgery related to gum treatment is called a gingivectomy. It is done after a dental curettage treatment that was found to have insufficient results.

This surgery consists of the removal of a part of the gum, in the case of periodontal pockets.

IV. How to Prevent Swollen Gums?

1. Care and Oral Hygiene

It is important to have good oral hygiene if you want to avoid gum swelling.

Brush your teeth at least twice a day, and don’t neglect to floss. Flossing makes it even easier to get rid of leftover food.

2. Gentle Brushing

To keep your mouth healthy, brush gently. Use soft toothbrushes and brush each tooth thoroughly.

Pay special attention to the most isolated teeth, as they are often the source of tooth decay.

3. Rinse Regularly

Also, consider daily mouthwashes. Rinsing your mouth daily prevents bacterial growth.

Don’t confuse daily-use mouthwashes with therapeutic mouthwashes, which cannot be used every day.

4. Painkiller in Case of Pain

If you have pain, don’t hesitate to take an over-the-counter pain reliever. Until you know what caused your tooth to swell, avoid anti-inflammatories.

In cases of dental abscesses, for example, anti-inflammatory drugs can mask the infection and make it difficult to diagnose.

Note that sometimes a strongly swollen gum can prevent the jaw from moving freely.

V. Other Questions About Swollen Gums Around One Tooth

1. Can Swollen Gum Around a Tooth Be Cancer?

Swollen gums can be a sign of a serious disease, such as gum cancer.

Other signs that usually accompany this swelling are permanent pain in the gums, both when chewing and when resting. Bleeding and ulcerations.

2. How Can I Get my Gums to Swell Quickly?

To deflate your swollen gums, you can eat something cold. You can also apply a cold cloth against your cheek.

Not only will the cold soothe your pain, but it will help reduce the gum swelling.

You can also apply a sage gum gel, and do frequent mouthwashes.

3. What Mouthwash for Gum Inflammation?

There are many types of mouthwash you can use for gum inflammation. For example, you can use Listerine or Hextril.

If you wish, you can make a natural mouthwash with saltwater or bicarbonate.

Useful Links:

Study reveals new aspects of gingivitis and the body’s response

Periodontal (Gum) Disease

Functional Chewing Gum in Reduction of Gingival Inflammation

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