swollen gums and sore throat with swollen lymph nodes

Swollen gums and sore throat with swollen lymph nodes, what to do? How to treat it? What are the causes? Common? Rare? And finally, what are the natural treatments for swollen gums with ganglion?

I. Causes of Swollen Gums (with Throat Ganglion):

1. Common Causes

# Poor Oral Hygiene:

When gum is swollen, there can be various causes. One of the causes of swollen gums can be poor oral hygiene.

If you don’t take good enough care of your teeth, bacteria can grow in them. A gum swelling may appear in response to this infection.  

# Smoking:

Smoking increases the risk of gingivitis. Smoking, because it weakens the body’s immune responses, increases the risk of oral ailments such as gingivitis.

Irritations and other infections in the mouth can become worse in smokers.

# Plaque:

Another cause that can lead to the appearance of ganglions is dental plaque. When dental hygiene is not optimal, plaque spreads.

If plaque is not properly treated, it can lead to gum swelling. This is a reaction to the infection in question.

# External Infection:

Gum swelling can also have a cause other than oral.

For example, if you have a vitamin C deficiency, you are likely to develop an infection that can lead to gum swelling.

Diabetes can also cause this symptom.

# Wisdom Teeth:

The removal of a wisdom tooth from the gum can also cause a gum node.

This happens if the wisdom tooth tears through the gum wall and encounters bacteria lodged there. If this happens, the gum can swell up around the wisdom tooth.

2. Rarer Causes

# Allergy:

The swollen gum and ganglion may appear as an allergic reaction. Although rare, sometimes an allergy can cause these kinds of symptoms.

This can be the case with drug allergies, nasal allergies, or even allergies to certain foods.

Although the origin of a gingival ganglion is rarely related to an allergy, it remains a likely cause.

# Vitamin C Deficiency:

A vitamin C deficiency is one of the rarest causes of swollen gums. Vitamin C is involved in oral health in many ways.

In the long term, a vitamin C deficiency can cause gingivitis.

# Lichen Planus:

Lichen planus can develop on the skin as well as in the mouth. Oral lichen planus is a form of inflammatory dermatosis.

This dermatosis has various symptoms, such as the appearance of white areas on the cheeks as well as on the tongue.

Inflammation of the gums is also a risk.

# Fungi:

Some fungi cause swelling of the gums. This is the case with Candida Albicans or thrush.

Whitish deposits appear in the oral cavity, but in addition, the gum may swell.

# Tumor:

A ganglion in the gum can also be a warning sign of a tumor. This tumor can develop in the mouth, palate, gum, or cheeks.

In the case of oral cancer, painful gum is one of the signs. The gums may also become swollen.

# Hypothyroidism:

Hypothyroidism is a disease that affects the thyroid, a butterfly-shaped gland located at the base of the neck.

The thyroid affects various body functions, such as weight gain or digestion. Swollen gums can be a signal of hypothyroidism.

# Cyst:

A cyst can develop in a devitalized tooth. It is a kind of tumor without much danger, which can appear in the jaw.

The cyst causes the gum to swell. Generally, the cyst is not dangerous; but a diagnosis is the best way to fix you.

# Hand-to-Mouth Foot:

Hand-to-mouth disease is a condition caused by the Coxsackie A 16 virus and affects mostly children, although adults can get it.

One of the symptoms of this disease is the formation of blisters in the mouth.

# Hormonal Change in Pregnant Women:

The body of the pregnant woman undergoes a lot of changes.

The hormonal changes are great, to allow the female body to welcome the life that is growing inside her.

But these hormonal changes have various consequences. It is not uncommon for a pregnant woman to develop gum swelling, for example.

II. Swollen Gums: Gingivitis, Periodontitis, or Gingival abscess?

A gum can be swollen because of several reasons. Gingivitis is an inflammation of the gums.

It manifests itself through dental plaque and, if properly treated, has little impact on oral health.

However, once it has worsened, it is periodontitis that we are dealing with.

Periodontitis is much more serious, and with it, the gums swell and the risk of tooth loosening is real.

If, on the other hand, it is a dental abscess that you have, then your gums will be painful, red, and swollen.

In any case, consult a health professional if you have one or more of these symptoms.

III. Swollen Gums and Sore throat with Swollen Lymph Nodes, what to Do?

1. Quick Treatment

# Antibiotics:

Antibiotics are generally recommended for painful gums with a ganglion.

As the ganglion in question can be a sign of an infection, antibiotics are useful to slow down and stop the spread of microbes to the rest of the mouth.

# Drainage of the Abscess:

Abscess drainage is a way to get rid of an oral abscess. This procedure is done to remove the pus inside the abscess.

This is only done when the abscess is already at a very advanced stage. A curettage is done if the abscess is located in the gum.

# Treatment of the Cavity:

In cases where the swelling of the gum is due to the development of a cavity, it would be wise to treat the cavity to get rid of the problem.

# Extraction of the Affected Tooth:

If the swelling of your gums is related to an infected tooth, it may be necessary to extract it. Often, germs in the tooth are responsible for the gum problem.

The decayed tooth must be extracted to allow the gums to heal.

2. Prevention

# Oral Hygiene:

Having good oral hygiene is the number 1 step to avoid gum swelling.

Brush your teeth at least twice a day to remove plaque. Use dental floss to perfect your dental hygiene.

# Scaling:

Scaling removes tartar from tooth enamel.

It is important to scale your teeth to maintain your dental hygiene. Do not hesitate to ask your dentist for advice.

Professional scaling should be done every 9 to 12 months.

# Antiseptic Mouthwash:

The use of antiseptic mouthwash prevents the spread of bacteria in the mouth.

Mouthwash improves overall dental hygiene, preventing ailments such as cavities or gingivitis.

IV. Natural Treatments for Swollen Gums and Sore Throat with Swollen Lymph Nodes

# Baking Soda:

To use baking soda against swollen gums, you can make a mouthwash with it, put a teaspoon in a glass of water and rinse your mouth with it.

Repeat 3 times a day.

# Chewing Propolis Gums:

Chewing propolis gums is a good way to naturally heal swollen gums. There are also propolis sprays, which can help you in the same way.

# Diluted Hydrogen Peroxide:

You can dilute hydrogen peroxide and make a mouthwash out of it to treat swollen gums.

So use a teaspoon of 20 parts hydrogen peroxide in a glass of water and make a mouthwash.

V. Other Questions About Swollen Gums and Sore Throat with Swollen Lymph Nodes

# How Do I Know if my Gum is Infected?

Painful, swollen, and red gums are infected gums. There are other signs, such as pus coming out of the gum or gum recession.

# What are the Symptoms of Gum Cancer?

The most striking symptom of gum cancer is constant pain in the gums.

This pain appears during chewing as well as at rest.

Oral cancers also manifest themselves by nodules and swelling in the jaw, or moving teeth.

Useful Links:

Swollen Gums: Possible Causes and Treatments

Gum disease may cause hypertension warns study – ‘Triggers inflammatory response’

Symptoms of mouth and oropharyngeal cancer

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