sore on gum from dentures

Sore on gum from dentures, what to do? How to detect a gum infection quickly? What are the causes of gum pain with dentures? How to prevent gum inflammation with dentures? And finally, how can we treat gums injured by a dental appliance?

I. How to Detect a Gum Sore and Infection Quickly?

A gum infection is an illness that can have serious consequences. Many signs can make you understand that you have gum problems.

These include pain in the gum or tooth, or swelling in the cheek. You may also have gum redness.

In some cases, pus may even leak from the infected gum.

II. Causes of Gum Sore and Pain Due to Dentures

# Defects in the Dental Appliance:

Wearing braces makes it tricky to brush and clean your teeth and gums.

Food residue can become lodged in or around the appliance, and over time decompose and infect the area.

It is also possible to have sore gums under braces, especially when the braces are not properly adjusted.

The latter can then cause lesions that can be more or less serious.

Braces are thus one of the main causes of gum problems.

# Infection:

Gingivitis is an inflammation of the gums. It can be very painful and can be related to the wearing of braces.

Resistant plaque is often the cause of gingivitis.

When you wear braces, it is sometimes difficult to clean the gum line properly.

This can lead to an infection in this area. That’s why it’s important to clean your dentures properly if you wear them.

III. How to Prevent Sores on Gum from Dentures

First of all, it is essential to have good dental hygiene, whether you wear dentures or not.

Remember to brush your teeth well and use dental floss.

There are toothbrushes specially designed for dentures. These brushes allow you to better clean the rings in particular and thus reduce the risk of infection.

If your dentures are removable, remember to take them out before going to bed. This will allow your gums to rest.

Don’t neglect cleaning your dentures or your mouth.

If the prosthesis is not fixed properly and causes you pain, do not hesitate to consult your dentist so that he can adjust it.

IV. How to Avoid Pain with braces and Dentures

It is possible to have painful gums with braces.

The best way to avoid pain with braces and dentures is to wear them properly.

It is also important to clean not only the mouth but also the braces and dentures, to avoid infections.

Orthodontic wax is also a way to avoid the pain of braces.

Brush your teeth with a soft toothbrush to relieve gum pain.

If you experience prolonged pain from your braces or dentures, see your dentist.

V. How Do I Treat Gum Tissue Injured by Dentures and Braces?

If your braces or dentures hurt you, go see your orthodontist. Only he or she can adjust the appliance if necessary or cut a wire that has protruded.

Your dentist may prescribe orthodontic wax, anesthetic cream, or a healing ointment. Painkillers can also help.

VI. Sore on Gum from Dentures, What to Do?

# Refilling:

If your braces are getting too big for your mouth, this is a danger. Not only does it create discomfort, but it also exposes you to bacteria.

Refilling involves filling the gap between the dentures and the gums with acrylic.

It is not a complicated procedure.

The refilling can be done in one day. Very quickly your appliance will fit better in your mouth.

# Relining:

Relining is designed to solve the same problem as refilling: braces that don’t fit as well.

With relining, the acrylic is not inserted into the space between the appliance and the gum. Instead, the pink acrylic is completely replaced.

The braces are the only parts that are retained. This technique may take one or more days.

# Implant-supported (fixed) Prosthesis:

The fixed implant denture is an alternative to gum-injuring braces. This type of prosthesis is implanted in the gum and naturally replaces the tooth.

It is possible to put a fixed implant prosthesis on several teeth. It can last a lifetime.

VII. Home Remedies for Denture Wounds?

  • One of the natural tricks to heal wounds due to dentures is to make a salt mouthwash. To do this, mix half a spoonful of salt in half a glass of warm water and use this mixture as a mouthwash.
  • Baking soda diluted in warm water can also be used as a mouthwash to treat an injured gum.
  • Gargles made by mixing warm water with two tablespoons of honey can help your gums heal faster.

VIII. How Braces Can Affect Your Gums

Braces can become a real breeding ground for bacteria. It’s easy to get food stuck in your braces, for example.

If the oral cleaning is not well done, then these residues turn into bacteria and infect the gums.

IX. Can I Sleep with Removable Dentures?

It is not recommended to sleep with your braces. It can cause gum fatigue. Moreover, it is a risk of spreading bacteria.

X. What Is the Adaptation Time for Dentures?

The adaptation time for a dental prosthesis depends on certain factors.

It will be different from one person to another, but generally, it takes about 2 weeks.

This is the average time to get used to a denture.

XI. Why Remove Your Dentures at Night?

Dentures are usually removed at night to relieve the gums. Moreover, by infiltrating under the dentures, saliva can cause an infection and an accumulation of bacteria.

It is therefore advisable to remove dentures at night and keep them safe in a suitable cleaning solution.

Useful Links:

Clinical performance of complete dentures: a retrospective study

A Descriptive, Prospective Clinical Study to Evaluate Full Dentures Fabricated by Additive Manufacturing

Understanding the experience of wearing dentures

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