I have really bad teeth what are my options

I have really bad teeth what are my options? What to do when you have ugly teeth? Decayed or ill-proportioned? Completely invaded by tartar or eroded? Should I get veneers? Implants? Scaling? And finally, what are the good tips to preserve your teeth?

I. Different Types of Bad Teeth

1. Decayed Teeth

Decayed teeth are those that are attacked by tooth decay. Cavities are caused by bacteria in the mouth. Poor dental hygiene and too much consumption of sugary products can also promote it.

Several symptoms can indicate the presence of decayed teeth. Pain, or sensitivity to cold and heat.

Beyond these manifestations, dental caries damage the teeth. The teeth become hollow because the enamel is attacked. It can even happen that the tooth breaks, because of lack of care.

2. Badly Proportioned Teeth

Another recurrent dental problem is that of ill-proportioned or misaligned teeth. These can be teeth that overlap, for example, or teeth that are different sizes. This is not a dental concern to be taken lightly.

Having misaligned teeth can cause tooth grinding (bruxism), which will wear away the tooth enamel over time. Jaw pain can also be caused by this type of bad dentition.

There are many causes of poorly proportioned teeth. Poorly treated teeth as a child can lead to misaligned teeth as an adult.

3. Teeth with Tartar

Tartar on the teeth is a serious health problem. Tartar is a deposit that covers the surface of the teeth. It is formed by food remains, not eliminated by brushing the teeth. The appearance of tartar is a sign of a build-up of waste and bacteria.

Even if it is difficult to detect, tartar can also develop on the gums.

Certain dental problems can lead to tartar, such as poorly positioned teeth or smoking.

If left untreated, tartar can develop and cause gingivitis. Eventually, tooth decay is even possible.

4. Eroded Teeth

Dental erosion is the loss or reduction of tooth enamel.

Enamel is the mineral covering the teeth, which loses its strength in the presence of various acids. There are many causes of dental erosion. Firstly, brushing too hard or the intensive use of strong acid products such as dental peroxide or baking soda can, over time, erode the teeth.

Secondly, chemical aggressions can also be responsible for enamel loss. Sodas and sweets are products that weaken tooth enamel.

Eroded teeth are sensitive teeth, some of which have even started to become less white and transparent.

5. Teeth that Are Too Far Apart

Teeth that are too far apart are often considered to be primarily an aesthetic problem. The term “diastema”, or “happy teeth”, is used to describe this feature. It is usually found at the incisors, although it can be anywhere in the jaw.

Diastema is often a congenital, a genetic trait that is inherited. Gapped teeth can also be caused by malpositioned teeth, or by the lip brake.

Gapped teeth can be responsible for more than just complexes. Diastema can cause problems with speech and pronunciation.

II. I Have Really Bad Teeth What Are My Options?

1. Decayed Teeth, What to Do?

In the case of broken teeth, it is possible to use composites.

Placed on or in the tooth, composites are then glued. They imitate the appearance of a broken tooth and can last for up to ten years.

The first treatment for decayed teeth is a filling. The dentist fills in the hollows in the teeth caused by decay. Before, this was done with a mixture of mercury and other metals. Today, a “dental composite cement” is used, which has the added advantage of being invisible, because it is the same color as the teeth.

If a tooth is missing, it is also possible to have a dental prosthesis. There are fixed and removable dentures. Fixed prostheses can be implants or crowns, and are generally very comfortable.

2.  What to Do with Crooked Teeth?

To straighten your teeth and get a beautiful smile, nothing is better than orthodontics. There are appliances that adults can also use to realign their teeth.

It is possible to have dental veneers, especially on the front teeth. These are like little tiles, which will hide all the defects of the teeth. In addition to veneers, a dental jacket can be used. Made of composite resin or ceramic, the jackets cover the outside and inside of the teeth.

They are only used on front teeth that cannot withstand chewing.

3.  Teeth with Tartar, what to Do?

When you have tartar, it is important to treat it. A professional scaling session at a dentist’s office takes just under 20 minutes. This is the best way to get rid of tartar on the teeth.

It is recommended that you have a scaling session once a year to prevent periodontitis.

Some natural remedies can also be very effective against tartar, including baking soda. Because it can erode tooth enamel, it should be used with caution. Once a week is ideal.

4. Eroded Teeth, what to Do?

In the case of eroded teeth, the dental enamel is worn out. It cannot be reconstituted. We can therefore cover the teeth affected by erosion with a protective fluoride varnish. This will allow the tooth to be more resistant to acids while remineralizing it. The pain will also be reduced by this varnish.

A thin layer of the composite can also be applied. But most of all, the causes of dental erosion must be removed. If the erosion is too advanced, crowns or veneers will have to be placed.

5.  Teeth that are Too Far Apart, what Can Be Done?

To improve the appearance of teeth that are too far apart, dental veneers can be used. Veneers do not correct the problem, but they camouflage it. Veneers are thin plates that are placed in front of the teeth.

Orthodontics is also an option, but it is a long-term treatment. If you choose orthodontics to solve your diastema, you can use metal braces. There is also lingual orthodontics, where the braces are installed in the tooth, and invisible orthodontics.

Braces are also an option. Like orthodontics, they are time-consuming but also offer better results.

III.  General Tips for Beautiful Teeth

To have beautiful teeth, good dental hygiene is imperative.

It is necessary to limit the consumption of sodas and sugars in general. A reflex can be to rinse your mouth with water after drinking a soda or even eating a fruit.

A good brushing of the teeth, at least twice a day, is important. Use a soft toothbrush that will not damage the tooth structure. Seeing a dentist at least once a year for a check-up can prevent dental problems from getting worse.

Useful Links:

Bad teeth? Here’s when you can and can’t blame your parents

Study: Bad Teeth, Gums Major Problems

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