how to fix overcrowding teeth

How to fix overcrowding teeth? Dental congestion, what to do? What are the different types of dental overcrowding? Different causes? What are the risks of dental crowding? How to treat dental crowding? What is the average cost to treat dental crowding? And finally, can dental crowding be prevented?

I. What Is Dental Overcrowding?

Dental crowding is also known as dental overlap. It is a misalignment of the teeth in the mouth, characterized by an overlapping of the teeth.

It is one of the most common dental malocclusions. Dental crowding is caused by a lack of space in the gums.

This dental defect is not only aesthetic but also has repercussions on oral health.

II. Different Types of Dental Crowding

Primary crowding is the type of dental crowding caused by genetics. For this type of dental crowding, it is important to act early. Has your child been seen as early as age 6 to check the alignment of his or her teeth?

Secondary crowding has an entirely different cause, which is oral hygiene. Poor oral hygiene or excessive thumb sucking can cause secondary crowding.

Finally, there is tertiary crowding, which is caused by the appearance of wisdom teeth. If the dental arch does not have enough space to accommodate the wisdom teeth, the teeth will eventually overlap.

III. Different Causes of Dental Crowding

1. Heredity

Genetics is often the cause of overlapping teeth. Dental crowding may be caused by a skeletal growth deficiency and this is a genetic trait. In this case, you are predisposed to dental malocclusion.

2. Narrow Jaw (Lack of Space)

One of the causes of dental crowding is the lack of space on the gums to allow for optimal growth of all teeth.

This lack of space can be caused by a narrow jaw. The teeth then overlap because there is not enough space for each one.

3. Large Teeth

Teeth that are too large for the jaw can also cause crowding. This can happen when a child loses a baby tooth prematurely.

The tooth that replaces the baby tooth is a larger adult tooth that does not have enough room to come out properly since the baby tooth fell out too early.

IV. What Are the Risks of Tooth Crowding?

1. Tooth Loosening

Tooth loosening is one of the main risks of dental crowding. Teeth are literally stacked on top of each other, putting pressure on each other.

This pressure can eventually lead to tooth loosening.

2. Tooth Decay

Tooth decay is the number one disease of the teeth, and one of the most common infections. It is caused by a bacterial infection on one or more teeth, which can lead to tooth loss.

Tooth crowding is a dental malocclusion that makes it difficult to clean the teeth because they are too close together.

As a result, bacteria grow in the nooks and crannies and cause tooth decay.

3. Poor Hygiene and Bad Breath

Poor oral hygiene is a risk when teeth overlap. Because the teeth are on top of each other, it is impossible to use dental floss, for example.

This is the reason why bad breath can develop. Bad breath here is a direct consequence of poor hygiene.

4. Difficulty Chewing

Poor dental alignment interferes with proper chewing. This is because the lower teeth and upper teeth do not fit together as they should.

This causes difficulty in chewing.

5. Inflammation of the Gums

Gum disease is an unfortunate consequence of dental crowding. Gingivitis, for example, which is the inflammation of the gums, can occur in this type of situation.

Because the cleaning of the plaque is not complete, bacteria grow and spread on the gums.

6. Enamel Problems (Damaged)

Enamel is the layer that covers the teeth. It causes tooth sensitivity. To preserve your enamel, you must brush your teeth regularly and effectively.

This is not possible if you have dental crowding.

V. How to Fix Overcrowding Teeth,

1. Dental Veneers

Dental veneers are considered for mild dental crowding. If less than 3 mm is missing in the dental arch, then your orthodontist can place veneers.

These can be made of ceramic or composite, and you will regain an aesthetic dentition.

2. Tooth Extraction 

Tooth extraction is not always necessary in cases of dental congestion. But sometimes, to give space to the teeth on top of each other, it is necessary to extract some of them.

In young children who have not yet developed permanent teeth, crowding can be treated with interceptive orthodontics.

In this case, the intervention is done directly on the development of the jawbone.

3. Invisible Aligners

Invisible aligners are transparent aligners. They are practical and aesthetic, as well as comfortable.

As with dental veneers, they are a solution for correcting minor dental crowding.

4. Metal Rings

When dental crowding is significant, metal braces can be a solution. Metal braces are a long-term treatment for dental crowding.

The bands are placed on each tooth and connected. The pressure exerted on the teeth will, over time, result in perfect alignment.

5. Lingual Appliance

Lingual braces have the same effect as metal braces. It allows you to put your teeth back into position.

The only difference is that the lingual appliance is placed on the inside of the teeth.

6. Dental Stripping

Dental stripping is also known as selective grinding. It is a procedure that aims to polish the teeth, at least the interdental surfaces, to gain some space.

This polishing is done with a small-diameter rotary diamond disc or a sandblasted strip. Dental grinding is used to reduce some teeth, aesthetically, to align the dentition in the jaw.

Dental stripping is often used for the installation of invisible aligners.

VI. Can We Prevent Dental Crowding?

Frequent visits to your dentist can help reduce the risk of dental crowding. While it is difficult, if not nearly impossible, to prevent hereditary crowding, it is possible to address the causes of other types of crowding.

In children, it is important to start seeing a dentist as early as 6 years old. The child should be weaned from the pacifier and the bottle as soon as possible.

VIII. Other Questions regarding Dental Overcrowding

1. Why Do Teeth Shift?

There are several reasons why teeth shift, and why they move in the jaw. Generally, when a space is created, teeth tend to shift.

For example, your teeth can shift when your wisdom teeth grow in or after they are extracted.

2. Can You File a Tooth Yourself?

Filing your own teeth is not recommended. This procedure requires the intervention of a dental professional, as well as the use of appropriate equipment.

By filing your teeth, yourself, you run the risk of damaging your enamel, and worse.

3. How Do You Know if You Have Room for Wisdom Teeth?

Wisdom teeth are almost always removed from the mouth. But if you want to know if you can keep yours, see your dentist.

Digital x-rays can determine if your wisdom teeth will grow unobstructed. Your dentist will then tell you if you can keep your wisdom teeth.

4. How Do You Know if You Have a Dental Bite?

When you have a normal bite, your teeth are perfectly aligned with each other. A malocclusion, on the other hand, refers to a misalignment of the teeth concerning each other.

While some malocclusions are visible, others may involve hidden teeth. It is important to see a dentist determine whether or not you have a dental malocclusion.

5. Do Teeth Shift with Age?

Yes, it is perfectly normal to feel your teeth move more as you age. Bone loss increases over time, especially after the age of 40. It is therefore completely normal to have teeth that move around in your fifties.

6. How to Make your Upper Jaw Move Back?

Whether it is a case of proalveolism (upper jaw more advanced than the lower jaw) or prognathia (lower teeth above the upper teeth), it is important to consult an orthodontist. After routine examinations, the orthodontist can decide if surgery is necessary or if braces will be sufficient to correct the problem.

7. How Long Does Treatment for Crowding Last?

The length of treatment for dental crowding depends on the degree of the problem and the method used.

On average, however, it can take anywhere from 6 to 24 months to completely correct a dental crowding problem.

VII. What Is the Average Cost to Fix Overcrowding Teeth

The cost of treating dental crowding will depend on the level of crowding. If the dental crowding is mild, you can spend between $2000 to $10,000 for clear aligners.

However, if the problem is more serious, you may have to pay thousands of dollars for your treatment.

Of course, prices also vary depending on where you have your treatment.

Useful Links:

A clinical study of the relationship between crowding of teeth, plaque and gingival condition

Relationship of crowded teeth and Oral Hygiene among the urban population in Medan

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