wisdom tooth rotting and breaking

Wisdom tooth rotting and breaking, what to do? What causes a wisdom tooth to rot? Should wisdom teeth be extracted or not? And finally what is the danger of a rotten wisdom tooth?

I. What Is a Wisdom Tooth?

 Wisdom teeth are the third molars that grow in the upper and lower jaw.

The name “wisdom” given to these teeth is related to the fact that they are the last teeth to grow in the mouth of an individual.

Generally, wisdom teeth grow between the ages of 17 and 21. However, this is only an approximation, as some people grow their wisdom teeth after their thirties; if at all.

II. Causes of Wisdom Tooth Rotting and Breaking

Like all other teeth in the mouth, wisdom teeth can be affected by periodontal disease. For example, cavities rot wisdom teeth.

The causes of a rotten wisdom tooth are generally the same as for teeth in general: poor dental hygiene.

It must be said that the position of a wisdom tooth (third molar at the very bottom of the jaw) does not always allow it to be cleaned properly.

This is why they can be affected by cavities.

III. Should a Rotten Wisdom Tooth Be Extracted?

The decision to extract the wisdom tooth is made by the dentist. For him to decide to do so, the rotten tooth must be beyond saving or repair.

Another criterion is of course the pain it causes or the fact that the decay has reached the pulp.

All of these reasons may lead the dentist to choose extraction.

IV. How Is a Rotten Wisdom Tooth Extracted?

Wisdom teeth are often extracted for various reasons. The diagnosis is made by the dentist.

The extraction of a wisdom tooth is done under local anesthesia. Depending on the severity of the case, a general anesthetic may be used.

During the operation, an incision is made by the doctor in the gum line. The bone usually has to be cut away to expose the tooth underneath.

Sometimes it is even necessary to break the tooth into several pieces to remove it.

The incision is then closed with absorbable sutures. These will disappear a few weeks later. The operation does not take more than about thirty minutes.

Afterward, it is common to feel pain in the days that follow.

V. What to Do if You Want to Keep a Rotten Wisdom Tooth?

If you want to keep a rotten wisdom tooth, you must first be sure that it can be treated.

This requires that your dentist guarantees that your tooth is salvageable.

If it is, you will probably get treatment to repair your wisdom tooth.

But if the decay is too extensive, it will be impossible to keep your wisdom tooth without affecting your oral health.

VI. What Is the Danger of a Rotten Wisdom Tooth?

Deciding to keep a rotten wisdom tooth is not without risk. If the infection has spread to the pulp, you risk infecting your other teeth and spreading decay.

With a semi-included tooth, you run the risk of bacterial infection and even loosening.

With a fully impacted wisdom tooth, you run the risk of a cyst forming.

VII. Other Questions Regarding Wisdom Tooth Rotting and Breaking

1. When Is the Right Time to Remove Your Wisdom Teeth?

Wisdom teeth can sometimes grow out of place. They may get stuck between another tooth, or they may not penetrate the gum wall well.

Impaction is the name given to this type of case. It’s usually painful to have a wisdom tooth that doesn’t grow in properly.

In this case, your dentist may decide that it is better to get rid of your wisdom teeth.

2. How Do I Know if I Need to Have my Wisdom Teeth Removed or Not?

If your wisdom teeth are causing you pain, see a dentist. Only a professional will be able to tell you whether or not your wisdom teeth need to be removed.

He or she will assess the risk of keeping your wisdom teeth because if wisdom teeth grow in wrong, they can cause serious damage to your mouth.

3. Why Is there Pain During Wisdom Tooth Extraction?

The pain associated with wisdom tooth extraction is related to the number of bones that had to be broken to extract it.

The most pain after extraction is in the jaw. But it depends on the case.

If you get a dry socket, you’ll be in pain longer. This is one of the major risks of wisdom tooth extraction.

4. How Long Will It Take for a Wisdom Tooth to Erupt?

It takes two to three months for a wisdom tooth to erupt completely from the gums. The eruption of a wisdom tooth does not always have major symptoms. But it can be painful. This is especially true because wisdom teeth often cause other teeth to shift.

5. What Are Semi-included Teeth?

 Semi-included teeth are teeth that only partially come out of the gums. This can happen with wisdom teeth in particular. In these cases, the teeth only erupt slightly into the mouth.

Some teeth are only half erupted for a while and eventually grow out completely. But for others, the alignment under the gum is bad and does not allow the complete exit of the tooth.

6. How to Treat an Infection After a Wisdom Tooth Extraction?

To treat an infection after a wisdom tooth extraction, you must go back to your doctor.

Despite the antibiotics prescribed after the extraction, there is a risk of infection. In these cases, only your dentist can help you by evaluating you.

He or she will then be able to prescribe the appropriate treatment for the infection in question.

7. How Do I Know if I Have an Infection After a Wisdom Tooth Extraction?

After your wisdom tooth is removed, it is perfectly normal to feel some pain. Your cheek may also swell.

But if you have developed an infection, then the swelling will persist for several days after the extraction.

If after 3 days you continue to have severe pain, fever, and discomfort, then an infection may be present. See your doctor immediately.

8. Why Does the Wisdom Tooth Hurt?

When a wisdom tooth grows in, it may not have enough room. So it may end up pushing against other teeth that are already there, causing pain.

Wisdom teeth are also often prone to infection, especially if they are semi-included. All of this causes pain.

9. What Is Wisdom Tooth Socket?

A wisdom tooth socket occurs after a wisdom tooth is removed when the blood clot in the socket is lost. After a wisdom tooth is removed, a hole remains in the original location of the tooth, called the socket.

This hole is supposed to fill with blood that will later harden into the new gum tissue.

In the case of alveolitis, this clotting does not take place, which delays healing. If your pain persists for several days after the extraction, then return to your dentist.

10. What Is the Healing Time After a Wisdom Tooth Extraction?

The healing time is approximate. But generally, after the extraction of one or more wisdom teeth, you will have 3 days of swelling, which will be followed by another 3 days to loosen up.

After the first week, you will already feel better. You will be able to resume your eating habits during the second week.

Useful Links:

Tooth and Tissue Sample Collection During Wisdom Teeth Removal

The wisdom behind the third molars removal: A prospective study of 106 cases

Still little evidence for removal of symptom-free wisdom teeth

How to Stop Grinding Your Teeth at Night?

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