benefits of keeping wisdom teeth

When it comes to oral health, wisdom teeth have gained a bad reputation for causing problems like pain, infection, and overcrowding. As a result, many people opt to have their wisdom teeth removed as a preventative measure. However, did you know that there are actually benefits to keeping your wisdom teeth?

In this article, we’ll explore the surprising advantages of keeping your wisdom teeth, from improved jaw function to better oral hygiene, without forgetting to also mention the benefits of removing them to be able to compare and make the right decision yourself.

I. What Are Wisdom Teeth

Wisdom teeth are the third molars, located at the very back of the jaws. These teeth are inherited from our ancestors since they were used to cut the raw meat that our ancestors used to eat. This is why nowadays the use of wisdom teeth is often questioned.

II. Do Wisdom Teeth Have to Be Removed (Why Should We Do an X-ray Before Making the Decision to Extract Wisdom Teeth)?

Many dentists believe that it is necessary, even imperative, to extract wisdom teeth. However, today this opinion is more mixed.

An x-ray should be done before deciding whether or not to extract these teeth. This examination will tell you if there is enough room for your wisdom teeth to come out without any problem, or if they are impacted or semi-impacted.

III. Benefits of Keeping Wisdom Teeth

1. Do Not have Oral Surgery (Nerves and Blood Vessels Can Be Damaged)

One of the benefits of keeping your wisdom teeth is that you will not have to have surgery to remove them.

It should be noted that dental surgery is not without risks, as nerves or blood vessels may be affected. Not to mention that the healing process is a delicate stage that can go wrong.

2. Avoid the Risks of the Anesthesia Procedure

Sometimes anesthesia is a very delicate procedure, even for professionals. For example, an allergy to the product is a possibility.

In these cases, the symptoms depend on the individual but can include hives, discomfort, and even edema.

3. Wisdom Tooth Can Replace Removed Molars

The position of the wisdom tooth makes it the perfect replacement for molars. If for some reason your molars have been removed, keeping your wisdom teeth will replace your lost molars. You will then be able to chew more easily.

4. Save Money

A dental extraction operation is always expensive. Many dentists believe that this is one of the reasons why wisdom teeth extraction should be discussed and reconsidered. If you can keep your wisdom teeth, you will save money.

5. Better Oral Hygiene

While it’s true that wisdom teeth can be more difficult to clean, their presence can actually contribute to better oral hygiene in some cases. The extra set of teeth can help keep food from getting trapped between other teeth, reducing the risk of decay and gum disease. Additionally, wisdom teeth can stimulate the gum tissue, promoting better blood flow and overall oral health.

6. Improved Jaw Function

Wisdom teeth can actually contribute to improved jaw function. When the teeth are present and healthy, they can help distribute pressure and chewing forces more evenly throughout the mouth. This can help reduce strain on the jaw and prevent problems like temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorder.

IV. Benefits of Having Wisdom Teeth Removed

1. Avoid Dental Crowding

One of the main concerns with wisdom teeth is crowding. This occurs when the wisdom teeth do not find enough room in the jaw to come out, and as they do, they push the other teeth out.

Crowding is not only a cosmetic concern but also an oral health problem.

2. Prevent Damage to Other Teeth

As wisdom teeth grow in, they can cause problems for other teeth. This can happen because they put pressure on the other teeth, especially if the jaw is too small and the teeth are crowded. Removing them will help keep your other teeth healthy.

3. Reduced Risk of Periodontal Disease

The risk of periodontal disease is higher when you have wisdom teeth. This is especially true with semi-included wisdom teeth, which do not grow completely out of the gum and remain buried under it. These teeth can quickly become a breeding ground for bacteria and infect the gums.

4. Reduce Headaches

Headaches can be a symptom of an impacted wisdom tooth. It is also possible, especially when wisdom teeth are growing in, for them to cause headaches.

Therefore, removing your wisdom teeth will reduce these headache risks.

5. Prevent Infections and Cavities

Wisdom teeth are often known for the cavities and infections they get. Because they are located deep in the jaws, they are teeth that are sometimes difficult to clean.

Because of this, it is not uncommon for wisdom teeth to become nests for bacteria and get cavities.

6. Prevent Cysts and Tumors

A dental cyst is a risk when a wisdom tooth grows. The wisdom tooth grows inside the jawbone, in a kind of sac.

It can happen that this sac expands and becomes a cyst. In the most extreme cases, it can even become a tumor.

7. Reduce the Risk of Gum Inflammation

Inflamed gums are one of the symptoms of periodontal disease. Removing your wisdom teeth may be a good idea to remedy or even prevent it.

By having your wisdom teeth removed, you will reduce the risk of having inflamed gums, as often happens while they are growing.

8. Significantly Reduce Bad Breath

Bad breath can be caused by wisdom teeth, especially if they are impacted. In addition, wisdom teeth can be a breeding ground for bacteria because of their position in the mouth.

By removing your wisdom teeth, you will avoid having bad breath because of them.

V. What Can You Do About Pain After the Operation?

Normally, your dentist will prescribe painkillers and antibiotics after your extraction.  But you can also apply a cold glove to your sore cheek to soothe your pain.

You can also use salt water as a mouthwash. But the pain should not last more than a few days.

VI. Other Questions About Benefits of Keeping Wisdom Teeth

1. Is It Good Luck to Keep Your Wisdom Teeth?

This is a difficult question to answer, as it is related to people’s beliefs. Wisdom teeth do not have a particular effect on the brain’s faculties.

Keeping them, when there is dental congestion, is very often dangerous for health, and they only have this name because they grow at the age of reason.

2. Can Wisdom Teeth Make Your Face Fat?

Wisdom teeth can cause tooth crowding. Your face can become larger, while they are growing if they cause inflammation of the gums.

In this case, it is not uncommon for the cheek to swell, so your face will get bigger.

3. Does Wisdom Tooth Make You Wiser?

Wisdom teeth are not teeth that are supposed to make you wise. They are so named historically because they grow late, between the ages of 18 and 25, or even later.

Because they come out at an age when you are supposed to be wiser, they have been called “wisdom teeth”.

4. Does Wisdom Teeth Removal Affect the Brain?

Any surgery can have serious consequences. Even though tooth extraction is a fairly common operation, it can indeed affect the brain.

If after the extraction the healing does not take place properly and infection occurs, in extreme cases it can cause a brain abscess.

5. Should I Have My Wisdom Teeth Removed at Age 30?

It is generally recommended to have wisdom teeth removed before the age of 30, at an age when the healing process would still be easy.

Professionals believe that the later the wisdom teeth are removed, the riskier it is. So if possible, remove your wisdom teeth between the ages of 17 and 20.

6. Does Removing Wisdom Teeth Affect Eyesight?

Although it is very rare, it is possible for the eyes to be affected by a dental infection. But this is usually the case with incisors and canines, which are more directly connected to the eye sockets.

As for wisdom teeth, they can touch the orbital fissure of the eye. But this is very rare. In general, wisdom teeth removal does not affect vision.

7. When Do the Wisdom Teeth Start Growing?

Although there is no set age at which wisdom teeth come out, it can be estimated that they usually start to grow at age 15 or 17.

Some people have them at 20, others at 30, and there are some who don’t even have them. Because wisdom teeth do not grow in everyone.

8. What Organ Are Wisdom Teeth Connected To?

Some wisdom teeth are connected to the sinuses; these are called sinus teeth. The risk with sinus teeth is that they can transmit their viruses to the sinuses, just as they can be affected by a sinus infection.

9. Do Wisdom Teeth Grow Back?

Wisdom teeth, once extracted, do not grow back. They are permanent teeth, not baby teeth.

Therefore, once you remove them, you will not have any more in your mouth and jaw.

10. Can Wisdom Teeth Cause Memory Loss?

There is a link between gingivitis and memory problems such as Alzheimer’s disease. In fact, studies have shown that viruses involved in periodontal disease can cause Alzheimer’s disease. And wisdom teeth, at least those that are semi-included, are a risk for gingivitis.

11. Can Wisdom Teeth Cause Black Eyes?

Wisdom teeth are not teeth that are connected to the eyes, but rather to the sinuses. It is the incisors and canines that are connected to the eyes.

However, it is possible for wisdom teeth to touch the orbital fissure. However, these are very rare cases.

Wisdom teeth do not normally cause eye disease.

12. How Much Does It Cost to Remove Wisdom Teeth?

The cost of wisdom teeth extraction in the United States depends on many things, including the condition of the teeth and the location and facility of the extraction.

In absolute terms, you can expect to pay between $75 and $250 per wisdom tooth extracted with only local anesthesia. If you use general anesthesia, then the wisdom tooth extraction will cost you between $600 and $1100.

For impacted wisdom teeth, it will cost between $225 and $600 per tooth extracted, using local anesthesia.

13. Can Wisdom Teeth Cause Mood Swings?

Wisdom teeth do not cause mood swings. However, wisdom teeth can be very painful and affect your mood.

The pain and inflammation can make you more aggressive or taciturn. Dental pain is one of the worst things you can experience.