Can You Put a Crown On a Cracked Tooth

A crown on a cracked tooth is a dental treatment that has helped countless patients restore their damaged teeth. When a tooth is cracked, chipped, or broken, a crown can be used to cover and protect the tooth.

Crowns can provide an aesthetic solution that looks and feels like a natural tooth.

Let’s take a look at everything you need to know about this topic. Follow along with me…

I. What is a crown? Can you put a crown on a Cracked tooth?

Dental crowns are one of the most common restorative dental procedures used to protect, strengthen and improve the appearance of a damaged or broken tooth.

They can be made from a variety of materials, including porcelain, ceramic, gold or a combination of materials. And the material used will depend on the location of the tooth, the pressure exerted on the tooth when biting and chewing, and also the patient’s personal preference.

A dental crown serves many purposes, including protecting a weakened tooth from further damage, restoring a cracked tooth, covering a dental implant, or sometimes improving the appearance of a deformed or discolored tooth.

When a tooth is broken or damaged, a crown may be recommended by your dentist.

II. How does a dentist place a crown on a Cracked tooth?

The process of placing a crown on a cracked tooth involves first preparing the tooth, taking impressions, creating a custom crown, and permanently attaching the crown to the tooth.

Placing a crown usually involves two appointments.

At the first appointment, your dentist will examine the tooth to determine the extent of the damage and whether a crown is necessary.

And if a crown is indeed recommended, your dentist will prepare the tooth for the crown by removing any decay or damage and shaping the tooth to fit the crown.

Local anesthesia may be used to numb the area around the tooth to make the procedure more comfortable and painless.

Once the tooth has been prepared, impressions of the tooth are taken using a dental sealant or a digital scanner.

These impressions are sent to a dental lab, where a custom crown is created based on the size, shape, and color of your natural teeth.

Meanwhile, your dentist will place a temporary crown on the tooth to protect it until the permanent crown is ready.

At the second appointment, the dentist will remove the temporary crown and check the fit of the permanent crown.

If necessary, your dentist can make adjustments to the crown to ensure a comfortable and secure fit. Once the fit is confirmed, your dentist will use a dental adhesive to permanently attach the crown to the tooth.

It is important to note that preparing the tooth for the crown may involve removing a significant amount of tooth structure to ensure a secure fit and to avoid further damage to the tooth.

III. Can you get a crown without a tooth

The answer to this question is obviously no. It is impossible to place a crown without a supporting tooth.

It is undeniable that a crown requires the presence of a tooth to provide a base to which the crown must be attached.

And if a tooth is missing, a dental implant or bridge may be the recommended alternative.

A dental implant is a surgical procedure that places a small titanium post into the jawbone to replace a missing tooth root.

After the implant is placed, a custom-made crown is attached to the implant to restore the appearance and function of the missing tooth.

A dental bridge is another option for replacing a missing tooth. A bridge consists of two or more crowns that are attached to the remaining teeth on either side of the space left by the missing tooth.

The bridge covers the gap and a custom-made crown is placed over the false tooth to restore the appearance and function of the missing tooth.

IV. How much of a cracked tooth is needed for a crown?

As a general rule, at least 1/4 of the natural tooth structure must be present to support a crown that will hold over time. In addition, there should be at least 2-3 mm of the external tooth structure to bond the crown to.

This can vary depending on the location of the tooth in the mouth and the extent of the damage.

And in cases where the tooth is severely damaged, additional procedures such as a root canal or post may be necessary to provide sufficient support for the crown.

V. How long does it take to get a crown on a cracked tooth?

Getting a crown placed on a broken tooth usually involves several steps and can sometimes take several weeks.

The process involves preparing the tooth, taking impressions, fabricating the crown, and placing the crown permanently.

But in some cases, it may be possible to complete the process in one visit using advanced dental technology such as CAD/CAM systems (not widely available at this time).

VI. What is the cost of a Dental crown?

The cost of a crown on a cracked tooth can vary depending on several factors, including the location of the dentist’s office, the materials used for the crown, the extent of the damage to the tooth, and whether there are additional procedures, such as a root canal.

Overall, the cost of a crown can range from $800 to $2,500 per tooth.

While this cost may seem high, it is important to keep in mind that a crown is a custom-made prosthesis designed to fit your tooth and your bite.

The materials used for the crown, such as porcelain or gold, can also affect the cost.

VII. How long do crowns on broken teeth last?

The lifespan of a crown on a cracked tooth can vary depending on several factors, including the type of material used, the location of the tooth, and the quality of patient care and maintenance.

It is strongly recommended that patients choose a durable and aesthetically pleasing material, such as porcelain, and care for their crowns by brushing and flossing regularly, avoiding hard or sticky foods, and attending regular dental checkups and cleanings.

Overall, dental crowns can be said to last between 5 and 15 years. But with proper care and maintenance, some crowns can last up to 25 years or more.

In fact, porcelain crowns are known for their durability and longevity, lasting up to 15 years or more with proper care. And metal crowns, such as gold or silver, can last longer than porcelain but are generally not as aesthetically pleasing.

Another important factor to consider is the location of the tooth. Teeth that are under more stress and pressure, such as molars, may not last as long as those in less demanding positions.

In addition, patients who grind or clench their teeth may experience more wear on their crowns, reducing their lifespan.

VIII. Is it painful to get a crown on a broken tooth?

When a dental crown is placed, it may cause some discomfort or sensitivity during and after the procedure, but it is not generally considered a painful process.

In fact, during the procedure, the dentist will numb the area around the broken tooth with a local anesthetic to avoid any pain or discomfort. The dentist will then shape the tooth to prepare it for the crown and take impressions of the tooth to create a custom crown.

This process usually takes about one to two hours.

After the procedure, patients may experience some sensitivity to hot or cold temperatures or discomfort when biting.

This is normal and should disappear within a few days.

In this case, patients can take over-the-counter pain medication to manage any discomfort.

It is important to remember that each patient’s experience may differ from another and some may experience more pain than others.

IX. What is the difference between a Dental crown and a filling?

A crown is a type of dental restoration that covers the entire visible part of a damaged tooth, while a filling is a smaller restoration that is placed inside a cavity or small damaged area.

If the damage is minor, a filling may be sufficient to restore the function and appearance of the tooth. However, if the damage is more extensive, a crown may be needed to completely restore the tooth.

Fillings are usually less expensive than crowns and can be done in one appointment.

X. Other questions about a crown on a cracked tooth

1. Do I need a root canal before a crown?

If the pulp of the tooth is already infected or inflamed, a root canal may be necessary to remove the damaged tissue and prevent further infection before placing a crown.

This is because the process of placing a crown involves removing a significant portion of the damaged tooth, which can sometimes expose the inner pulp and cause pain or sensitivity.

However, if the damage is minimal and there are no signs of infection or inflammation, a crown can sometimes be placed without the need for a root canal.

2. What happens if you wait too long to get a crown?

Some of the potential consequences of delayed crown treatment include:

  • Increased risk of tooth decay: A damaged or decayed tooth that is left untreated can continue to decay over time, which can lead to further damage and infection.
  • Increased risk of tooth fracture: A weakened tooth that is not treated is more likely to fracture or break.
  • Pain or sensitivity: A damaged tooth can be painful or sensitive, especially if the inner pulp is exposed. If left untreated, pain and sensitivity can worsen and get worse over time.
  • Gum Disease: A damaged tooth can also increase the risk of gum disease, as the damaged tooth can harbor bacteria that can lead to infection and inflammation of the gums.

3. Can you put a crown on a cracked tooth below the gum line?

When a tooth is broken below the gum line, it means that the break extends to the root of the tooth, which simply makes it impossible to place a crown on top of the tooth.

In this particular case, the dentist may need to perform a procedure called crown lengthening before placing the crown.

Crown lengthening involves removing some of the gum tissue around the broken tooth to expose more of the tooth’s surface.

This allows the dentist to place the crown correctly and ensure that it fits securely on the tooth.

In some cases, the tooth fracture may be so severe that it cannot be saved with a crown.

If this is the case, the dentist may need to extract the tooth and discuss replacement options such as a dental implant or bridge.

4. Can you put a crown over a filling

The answer is yes.

It is possible to place a crown over a filling in some cases, but it depends on a variety of factors, such as the size and location of the filling, the amount of tooth structure remaining, and the reason for placing the crown.

The first factor to consider is the size and location of the filling. If the filling is small and located in the middle of the tooth, it may be possible to place a crown on it.

However, if the filling is large and extends to the edges of the tooth, it may need to be removed before placing a crown.

A second important factor is the amount of tooth structure remaining. If there is not enough healthy tooth structure left after the filling is removed, it may not be possible to place a crown unless a crown lengthening is performed.

Finally, if the crown is placed only to improve the appearance of the tooth, it may be possible to place it over the filling without much problem.

5. Can a crown on a broken tooth fall off?

It is possible for a crown on a broken tooth to fall out.

The main cause of a crown falling out is inadequate bonding or cementing. This can happen if the cement used to hold the crown in place wears out or if there is not enough cement used during the initial placement.

It can also happen if the tooth under the crown is decayed or damaged, compromising the stability of the crown.

So if the crown is damaged or the tooth underneath is significantly compromised, a new crown may be necessary.

6. What should I do if the crown on a broken tooth feels loose?

It is important to understand why a crown may come off in order to know what to do.

It could be due to a poor fit of the crown, decay under the crown, or trauma to the tooth.

Whatever the cause, it is crucial to fix the problem as soon as possible to avoid further damage or infection.

If you encounter a loose crown on a cracked tooth, the first step is to make an appointment with your dentist.

In the meantime, you can try temporarily reattaching the crown with dental cement, which can be purchased over the counter at most pharmacies.

Follow the instructions carefully and be sure to clean the inside of the crown and your tooth before putting it back in place.

If the crown has completely fallen off and you are unable to put it back on, it is important to keep the tooth clean to avoid infection.

Rinse your mouth with warm salt water and brush gently around the affected area.

It is advisable to avoid chewing on the affected side of your mouth and stick to soft foods until you can see your dentist.

7. Can a crown on a broken tooth cause gum pain?

A crown on a cracked tooth can cause gum pain if there is an underlying problem, such as a cavity or infection, that affects the gums. If the crown does not fit properly, it can also cause irritation and inflammation of the gums, leading to pain and discomfort.

But rest assured, in most cases a dental crown does not cause any discomfort in the gums.

8. Can a crown on a broken tooth cause bad breath?

A crown on a broken tooth itself does not cause bad breath, but underlying problems such as decay or infection can contribute to halitosis.

When bacteria build up in the mouth due to poor oral hygiene, it can lead to bad breath.

Brushing twice a day for two minutes each time, flossing daily, and using an antibacterial mouthwash can help remove bacteria from the mouth and freshen your breath.

Drinking plenty of water throughout the day can also help eliminate bacteria and keep the mouth hydrated.

Also, avoiding foods and drinks high in sugar and starch can also help reduce the number of bacteria in the mouth.

9. How long does it take for a crown on a broken tooth to settle?

After a crown is placed on a broken tooth, it is normal to experience some discomfort or sensitivity, due to the fact that the tooth and surrounding gums were manipulated during the crown placement process.

It may take several days or even weeks for the discomfort and sensitivity to subside.

As for the stabilization time of the crown itself, it usually takes about 2 to 3 weeks for the crown to fully settle into place.

During this time, it is important to avoid biting into hard or crunchy foods, as well as sticky or rubbery foods.

These types of foods can put excessive pressure on the crown and cause it to move or come loose.

10. What is the difference between a crown and an inlay for a broken tooth?

As we have seen throughout this article, a dental crown is a type of dental cap, which completely covers the damaged tooth.

An inlay, on the other hand, is a type of dental filling used to repair decay or other damage inside the tooth. Inlays are usually made of porcelain or composite resin and are designed to fit the contours of the damaged area.

Unlike crowns, inlays do not cover the entire tooth and require less tooth structure to remove.

Inlays are a good option for teeth that have minor to moderate damage or decay.

Thus, the main difference between a crown and an inlay is the amount of tooth structure that must be removed and the type of restoration they provide.

While both restorations can be effective in repairing a broken tooth, which restoration to use will depend on the extent of the damage and the overall health of the tooth.

In terms of cost, crowns are generally more expensive than inlays due to the additional materials and preparation required.