How do I get rid of a bad smell in my teeth? What are the different causes? How to reduce the effects of this inconvenience? And finally what to do when you have teeth that smell like stool?
I. Teeth Which Smell Bad, the Causes?
Here are some of the main causes of smelly teeth:
1. Rotten Tooth Odor
Halitosis is the scientific name given to bad breath. Halitosis can be a sign of various ailments, including a rotten tooth.
For a tooth to rot, it must first have been affected by a cavity. Tooth decay occurs wherever there are food residues in the mouth. If not properly removed, these food residues become a breeding ground for germs.
If the tooth affected by decay has not been properly treated or simply ignored, the bacteria will grow there. The tooth then became more and more damaged, to the point where it began to necrose in the mouth.
The diseased tooth could then start to rot, and the overgrowth of germs can then cause bad breath.
2. Smelly Back Gums
Having gum problems can also cause bad breath. Halitosis may be caused by a gum infection.
Another option is the development of microbes at the gum line, which is the junction between the tooth and the gum.
Plaque develops because of an accumulation of germs, the result of poor oral hygiene. It is these germs that attack the gums and can lead to gingivitis.
You may notice that your gums are red, swollen, and even bleeding.
The bottom gum can easily be the one that smells bad, because brushing, especially in young children, is often quite poorly done in this area of the mouth.
3. Broken Tooth and Bad Smell
A tooth can break under various circumstances. The break may be accidental, due for example to a fall or a sport.
But it is also possible that the tooth breaks by itself, because of decay, aging, or because it is devitalized.
Whatever the cause, if a broken tooth gives off a bad odor, then bacteria are at work.
If after extracting a tooth you smell a foul odor coming from the cavity, then the gum is affected by bacteria.
It may be a local infection, located just below your tooth. You may be given antibiotic treatment.
4. Flossing and Horrible Odor
Flossing is a great tool for oral health. It helps to dislodge residue trapped between the teeth, where bacteria can grow over time.
Properly used, floss can remove up to 70% of plaque.
But it can happen that while flossing, a horrible smell comes out of your mouth.
The floss is then the indicator of what is happening in the gap between your teeth. If you smell a bad odor or feel an unpleasant taste while flossing, then it is caused by the residue that the floss removes.
Food remains that are probably already decomposing are the cause of this smell. Flossing in these cases is more than necessary. However, if despite your many uses and brushing the smell persists, then consult a professional.
5. Crown and Bad Odor
Oral infections are very often related to dentures and dental crowns.
Although halitosis can have many causes, one of the most common is an oral infection. Bacteria that grow in the mouth are anaerobic, which means they thrive in an oxygen-free environment.
As a result, when food residue gets into the crowns and is not dislodged, the infection begins.
While this is rare with new crowns, older crowns tend to move. This opens up a passage for food and can lead to infection.
The crown is then infected, and bad breath follows.
II. How Do I Get Rid of a Bad Smell in My Teeth?
To remedy the problem of smelly teeth, it is necessary to act on their cause.
A cavity can cause halitosis or gingivitis. It is important to get treatment if this is the case. Normally, once the infection is neutralized, the breath problem should resolve itself.
Next, impeccable daily dental hygiene is necessary to avoid dental problems.
Brush your teeth at least twice a day.
Floss every time.
Visit your dentist at least once a year for scaling and a check-up. Some conditions can be hidden until they become serious. Only a careful examination of the teeth can detect them.
The causes of bad breath are not only oral. Other factors can cause halitosis, such as taking certain medications.
Dry mouth and even stomach problems can give you bad breath.
III. Breath that Smells Like Stool
There are few things as unpleasant as having stool breath.
There are many causes of this type of bad breath. Of course, as with classic bad breath, it can be due to poor dental hygiene.
But it is also possible that this disorder is of gastric origin.
Intestinal obstruction is a blockage in the area of the large or small intestine. In this case, stool gets trapped, as well as everything you eat during this period. This causes breath that smells like feces.
A sinus infection can also cause this type of bad smell.
Another cause of stool-smelling breath is gastroesophageal reflux disease. It manifests itself as heartburn or difficulty swallowing.
Ketoacidosis can also cause this type of foul-smelling breath. This is a serious medical complication that diabetics can experience. The dry mouth and prolonged vomiting that it causes can make the breath smell like stool.
To cure this breath, you need to know the cause. If your dentist has not detected the source of your problem, he or she will refer you to other health care professionals who can help you.
Only when the cause is known can treatment be administered.
But it is also possible to reduce the risks of having this type of problem.
Beyond oral hygiene, it is a healthy lifestyle that will protect you from bad breath.
Eating a healthy diet will keep your stomach healthy.
Vary your meals, eat vegetables and fruits, and limit your meat consumption.
Get some exercise. Don’t smoke and drink alcohol in moderation.
Stay hydrated. Water is an important part of the digestive process.