how to clean dentures stains

How to clean dentures stains? How to descale braces? Baking soda? White vinegar? Soap? How to take care of your fixed dentures? How often should I clean my dentures? What is the life span of a denture? And finally, when should you change your dentures?

I. Why Clean Your Dentures Stains (or Prosthesis)?

It is essential to clean your dentures regularly. Dentures are the ideal place for the propagation of bacteria.

If you do not take care of your dentures, you run the risk of an oral infection. This is caused by pathogenic bacteria in the oral area.

Having a denture or a set of teeth does not exempt you from good oral hygiene.

II. How to Clean Dentures Stains (Removable Prosthesis)?

# Regular Brushing

At the very least, you should clean your dentures at the end of each meal. But if this is too restrictive, you can clean it once a day, at bedtime for example.

To do this, you can use a brush specially adapted for removable dentures.

You can find products in pharmacies that are specifically designed to clean and whiten your dentures. Remember to rinse the denture thoroughly before putting it back in.

# Cleaning Your Dentures with Baking Soda

To clean your dentures with baking soda, mix baking soda with distilled water. With the resulting mixture, brush your teeth thoroughly.

Do this carefully, and then you just have to rinse your dentures.

# Cleaning Your Dentures with White Vinegar

White vinegar is a great product for cleaning dentures. It is one of the grandmother’s tricks that has proven to be effective.

Once a week, soak your removable dentures in a glass of warm water. Add a teaspoon of white vinegar to the water.

Leave your dentures in the mixture for 3 to 5 minutes. This is a natural way to descale your dentures.

# Can You Clean Your Dentures with Marseille Soap?

You can indeed turn to Marseille soap to clean your dentures without fear.

Use a little Marseille soap and brush your false teeth with it. Brush both the front and the back of your dentures, don’t forget the brackets and the spaces.

Once this is done, rinse your dentures before replacing them. This is a method that helps to eliminate dental tartar.

III. How to Take Care of Your Fixed Dentures?

# Regular and Thorough Brushing

Having a denture means taking regular and thorough care of it. Brushing your teeth is the first way to maintain a fixed denture.

Take the time to brush your dentures thoroughly every day. This will allow you to remove tartar from your teeth.

At least twice a day, brush your teeth. Also, remember to change your toothbrush every 3 to 6 months for more efficiency.

# Visit the Dentist Regularly

The dentist is the best person to help you maintain your dentures.

The care your dentist provides will help your dentures last longer.

Professional care from a dentist is the best way to remove tartar from teeth quickly.

# Baking Soda and Lemon Recipe for Scaling Teeth

This is one of the many grandmotherly tricks that can help you maintain your dentures. The method is simple and has already proven to be effective.

Mix a certain amount of baking soda with a few drops of lemon. With the resulting paste, gently brush your denture.

Once this is done, rinse your mouth.

Baking soda is known for its antibacterial and whitening properties. Combined with lemon, bicarbonate is a perfect way to remove tartar from teeth quickly

IV. How Often Should I Clean My Dentures?

In the best case, you should clean your dentures or teeth 3 times a day. These cleanings correspond to each of your meals.

But if this rhythm proves to be restrictive, at least try to clean your dentures or prosthesis once a day, namely at the end of your last meal.

V. How to Brush a Denture (Method)?

  • Start by rinsing your dentures with cold water. Once this is done, place your dentures in a container of water diluted with white vinegar. Make sure the dentures are immersed in the water and leave them in for 3 to 5 minutes.
  • With a special denture toothbrush, scrub your dentures after removing them from the container. Brush the spaces and corners.
  • Rinse your dentures one last time with warm water. It is now ready to use.
  • For better dental hygiene, don’t forget to also take care of your natural teeth, if you have any left.

You can also brush your dentures with a paste of baking soda and distilled water.

VI. How to Remove Black Stains from Braces?

Cleaning products can help you remove black stains from your braces.

You can also turn to natural solutions, such as baking soda or lemon.

Remember to soak your braces before brushing. Soaking makes it easier to remove stains.

If you turn to industrial products, the whole method will be explained on the packaging.

VII. How to Keep Your Braces and Dentures at Night?

At night, it is recommended to remove your dentures. In the past, dentures were kept in a glass of water.

Indeed, humidity allows the resin to keep its flexibility. In addition, removing your dentures allows you to rest your gums longer.

Today, however, there are other ways to store your dentures besides putting them in a glass of water.

There are boxes specially designed to store dentures. They keep them safe from bacteria and allow them to retain their moisture.

If the psychological shock of seeing yourself without dentures is too great, talk to your dentist so that he or she can help you figure out how to keep your dentures in at night.

VIII. Which Brush to Use to Clean a Denture?

Toothbrushes specially designed for braces are ergonomic and allow you to reach corners.

They are also perfect for cleaning around braces. You can find them in supermarkets or on the internet. Nevertheless, get advice from a dentist before you buy.

IX. What Is the Life Span of a Dental Prosthesis?

The life span of a dental prosthesis is generally estimated between 5 and 8 years. But it depends on many things.

The care you take for your dentures can either extend or shorten their life.

Not to mention the material of the denture. Resin and metal braces will tarnish faster than ceramic ones, for example.

X. When to Change Your Dentures?

It is generally recommended to change your braces every 10 years. However, it can be done earlier.

If signs of wear appear on your dentures, such as stains or pain during chewing, consult your dentist.

These may be signs that your dentures are wearing out. But only your dentist can tell you what is going on.

Useful Links:

Impact of Denture Cleaning Method and Overnight Storage Condition on Denture

A Study on the effectiveness of different Cleansing Methods for the removable dentures

Dental health professional recommendations and consumer habits in denture cleansing

Dental Bone Grafting: Risks and Complications?

Veneers Teeth Pros and Cons [Risks & Care]

How to stop excess saliva at night? [Medical & Home Remedies]
